Minnesota Lawyers Directory

Locate a Lawyer in Minnesota – by Practice Area & Location

MinnesotaLawyersDirectory.com is here to help you find the best Minnesota Lawyers for your Minnesota court case or legal matter.

And you can search our directory for Minnesota Attorneys best suited to your case type, and your location.

Minnesota Attorney Search Directory

The site is organized in two useful ways:

1.  Minnesota Attorneys by Practice Area.  Though the law may be a seamless web, the trend over the past hundred years has been towards increasing practice-type segmentation among lawyers – as the population, and the number of laws, have increased.

Is this trend a good or bad thing?  It may be a good thing in at least one way – more choices for you.

Find a lawyer by Minnesota law practice area.  General Practice Attorney may be the best choice for you.  But others may wish to have a lawyer with a law practice limited to one or just a few types of law.  So here at Minnesota Lawyers Directory, we give you more choices in your search for the right lawyers.

Minnesota flag
Locate a Lawyer in Minnesota – by Law Practice Area and Location

Location in Minnesota: Best Minnesota Lawyers

2.  Minnesota Lawyers by Geographic Location.  The other important factor when choosing a lawyer is geographic location.

Good lawyers provide good service. And this is easier to do – better and cheaper – when you, your case (court venue) and your lawyer are closer to each other.  So it may not be the best idea to retain a lawyer outside of the state where your case is located.  Also, given two equally skilled lawyers, it may be more cost-effective to retain legal counsel located near the court, where your case is located.

Locate a Minnesota lawyer by geographic location.  Another consideration can be whether you want a lawyer with “home court advantage” vs. counsel from far away.  So, there is no one right answer for all.  Minnesota Lawyers Directory helps you with more good choices.

Individual Lawyer pages: Best Minnesota Lawyers

3.  Individual Minnesota Lawyers web pages.  In addition to organizing member attorneys by practice area and geographic location, you will find a concise web page here for each individual lawyer, describing their law practice (and practice areas) as well as their law office location and contact information (including any links to their other web sites and internet presences).

Each Minnesota lawyer listed here is a licensed attorney in good standing with the Minnesota Supreme Court.  Minnesota Attorneys included in this website have been selected by MinnesotaLawyersDirectory.com – owned and operated by a Minnesota attorney – based upon personal and professional experience with each attorney member of this site.  But their inclusion is here not based solely upon their willingness to share the expense of operating this web service. It is also based upon this direct experience with each member lawyer as one of the best lawyers in Minnesota.

Spanish Speaking Attorney

4.  And, Minnesota attorneys fluent in languages other than English, such as Spanish.  

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